Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Monday!

As an unmarried woman, 
I was thought to be a danger.
-Grace Kelly

High Society was on the other day, so I figured a flirty quote from Ms. Kelly would cure the Monday blues :) Happy Monday!



  1. I am in love with that picture!! Thank you for the sweet comment :) No Greek Week for us, the BF has a bachelor party that weekend in Atlantic City...sheesh. haha I went the past 2 years and LOVED IT. I wish I could go back but I'm starting to think maybe we are getting a little too old??? hahaha Maybe homecoming is in our future though! :D I will def keep you informed. Also, please post plenty of pics so I can live vicariously through your grk wk shenanigans!!!

  2. hi ive just stumbled across your blog and am loving it :)
    great quote!
